?We analyze them and then synthesize new songs, just as you would read a book and write an article,? BlueBeat Chief Executive Hank Risan told Pop & Hiss on Friday. The site's ?intention,? he added, ?is to create a live performance, ...
Walter on Thursday blocked the sites BlueBeat.com and Basebeat.com and owner Hank bRisan/b from selling copyrighted songs by the Beatles and others. Music company EMI Group filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday seeking an injunction against the ...
bRisan/b on Top Ten Smells From The Seat of a Bicycle. 2/24/2009. Jason Kearney on We Believe In The Bible, MOST of the Time. 2/24/2009. CAROL EDWARDS on We Believe In The Bible, MOST of the Time. 2/23/2009 b..../b Smaller cities dont work as well, nor do bvacation/b destinations (except orlando)in tourist season. I one time wound up staying in Austin and getting up early to drive to san antonio - about an hours drive, to get a great hotel at a great price as opposed to a sorry b.../b